Malta Chess Federation

Starting Chess

Starting Chess in Malta

by Colin Pace • January 12, 2021

Starting Chess in Malta This section tries to help anyone living in Malta that is willing to start playing chess in the local community. This covers both the people who are just learning the game, and any existing chess players who are not playing but are willing to become part of the chess community. Please […]

Participating in Local Tournaments

by admin-luke • January 10, 2021

Participating in Tournaments This article is meant for those players who intend to take part in a chess tournament for the first time.   There are many chess enthusiasts who would love to participate in official tournaments but are never ready to make the first step due to not knowing of what to expect. This […]

Chess Clubs & Organisers

by Colin Pace • January 7, 2021

Chess Clubs in Malta This section lists all the chess clubs and organisers which are independent from the Malta Chess Federation, and are currently active in Malta. If you manage a chess club or are a private chess organiser in Malta, and you are not listed in this section, please contact us to be considered […]

Chess Training

by Colin Pace • December 1, 2020

Chess Training There are various chess trainers and chess clubs that offer chess lessons to various levels.   FM Clarence PsailaClarence Psaila is a Fide Master.  He is a player, professional organiser of international events, coach, teacher and chess companion. Clarence teaches both private and group sessions. His students have become Junior Champions in various categories, […]