Malta Chess Federation

Chess Clubs in Malta

This section lists all the chess clubs and organisers which are independent from the Malta Chess Federation, and are currently active in Malta.

If you manage a chess club or are a private chess organiser in Malta, and you are not listed in this section, please contact us to be considered for listing.

65th Square


Chess Club

Contact Person:

Peter Sammut Briffa


Mob: +356 79903328


Address (Current Meet-ups)

Uncle Matt’s Kitchen, 5, Triq ix-Xatt ta’ Xbiex, L-Imsida

More details to follow soon.

Swieqi Chess Club


Chess Club

Contact Person: 
Colin Pace 


Mob: +356 99496279


Facebook Page


“Swieqi Chess Club”, 12, Edward Debono street, St.Julians 

The Swieqi Chess Club was established in December of 2016. On the 1st of January 2019 a permanent location was found to host the club. The club then passed through an inactive period but it is now ready for a bigger re-opening in May 2023. The club will accommodate 46 players, 14 electronic chess boards which electronically record games and broadcast games live on the internet, and will be fully air-conditioned including a refreshments area. The club organises tournaments, events, and classes for adults & juniors.

XY Chess


Chess training, International tournaments, cooperation with NGO’s and businesses in Malta and abroad

Contact Person:

Clarence Psaila


Mob: +356 79050843




Founded by FM Clarence Psaila, for over a decade XYChess has put Malta firmly on the international chess map through the organisation of the annual Malta International Open, the XYChess Spring festival, The XYChess Team League and several IM and GM tournaments (can be organised on demand).


At XYChess training is available all year round, by joining one of the weekly classes or private tuition. International classes are also organised for groups wishing to study chess in Malta. FM Clarence Psaila has coached many students who made it to champion in their age categories (from U8 to U20), as well as several adults who made it to the Malta Championship finals!


Working closely with NGO’s, businesses and communities XYChess is also involved in outreach and integration of the various communities in Malta through chess and also organises chess events abroad.