The Malta Chess Federation shall be organizing the 2022 Rapid and Blitz Championships open to all players as follows:


Dates: 3 December 2022 (Rounds 1-5) + 4 December 2022 (Rounds 6-7).
Time: Round 1 on 3 December starts at 9:30am. Round 5 should be finished by around 1pm. Round 6 on 4 December starts at 9:30am and should end by 10:30am.
Format: Swiss system, 7 rounds.
Time control: 10 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move for the whole game.
Registration: starts at 9am.
Date: 4 December 2022
Time: 10:30am until approximately 1:30pm.
Format: Swiss system, 11 rounds
Time control: 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move for the whole game.
Registration: starts at 10am or after the rapid tournament ends – whichever comes first.
Both events are FIDE rated (for the rapid and blitz rating lists).
Prizes for the top 3 in each competition.
Everyone is eligible to play, provided that they are members of the Malta Chess Federation and have a FIDE ID Number (FIN). However, only players eligible to play in the Maltese championship cycle in accordance with the Statute may win the title of Malta Rapid Champion and Malta Blitz Champion.
Entry fee for adults: 10 euro per tournament. Discount of 5 euro if the player plays in both tournaments.
Entry fee for Under 16 players: 5 euro for each.
Players can opt to play in just one tournament.
To apply, please reply to email with the tournament/s you would like to play in.